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photo of Beidaihe Scenic Area
Photo By: ch
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    The Beidaihe Scenic Area is in Beidaihe District, southwest of Qinhuangdao. From the mouth of the Daihe River in the west to Yingjiao Pavilion in the east, it is 10 kilometers long and 2 kilometers wide. The Daihe River flows through its western part and faces the Bohai Sea.
    Beidaihe seaside is a world-known seaside summer resort with a unique natural environment. It has a pleasant climate. In summer winds blow from the sea during the day and the air is cool and humid. At night the land wind comes, and it is also cool. Compared with Beijing, it is 5 ? lower on average. Strong winds do not carry sand and dirt. It is cool in summer, but it is not cold in winter. The winding and flat seashore is full of sand. The sea contains salt, and thus has great buoyancy. Here is 8 natural and fine seaside resorts.
    North of the seaside stands the Lianfeng Hill, shaped like a seedpod of the lotus. The hill is 2 kilometers long from east to west and 153 meters above sea level. Many pines grow green on the hill and villas with red roofs and yellow walls are scattered here and there.
    South of Zhonghaitan Road stands a high stone above sea level like a tiger crouching. Its name is Tiger Stone. When sea waves come, it is submerged under water. When sea waves are gone, it reappears. When traveler face the sea with surging Waves, he will see that the sea and the sky seem to melt into one. When traveler turn to look back, he will see a sea of pines on the Lianfeng Hill. This scenery will bring him a broad mind and endless pleasure. In the northeast of Beidaihe stands a huge stone in the sea. Its shape and color look like an eagle and thus it is given the name Eagle Stone. Many doves fly around and above it and have nests in its cracks, so it has another name “Dove Nest”. A pavilion named Eagle Pavilion stands on it. When traveler climb up to this pavilion, he can enjoy the Lianfeng Hill in the west, Qinhuangdao in the east and endless waves in the sea. Seeing such beautiful scenery, Chairman Mao composed his poem Waves and Sand “Beidaihe”.
    In 1898, during the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, Beidaihe was designated a summer resort. By the year 1938, more than 700 villas had been built and recreational facilities 1ike restaurants, bars, ballrooms and so on had also appeared. Since the founding of New China, more rest homes, sanatoriums, hotels and restaurants have been built. Beidaihe has become the largest summer resort with perfect facilities.

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